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Rome in 10 days!

Super exciting to think about the fact that we are going to leave for Rome in 10 days. I've just started to realize that this is is really happening. I will pack my stuff, my dog and drive down to Rome. A real adventure not only because of the driving (I don't usually drive this much) but the scene of our life will change in an instant. Spending a month in a totally different culture and city is pretty exciting. Eskimo has never been to another country, so this will be a brand new experience for both of us. How will she take the long drive, the heat in Rome, all the new scents and people, noises and places. She can get very enthusiastic about new places, I am sure she will just run around joyfully, with a huge smile on her face (yes she can really smile!) for days after we arrived.

We received her passport yesterday, she is ready to travel! Travel cage is bought, I also purchased a traveling feeding bowl for her. I bought some equipments for my video blogging too, like a selfie stick (YES, finally!) and a tripod. I am taking my longboard, my guitar, yoga mat, my kitchen essentials and some clothes too. I like to travel light, so I don't want to overload my car. One of the most important things I learnt from my travels is that you don't use everything that you take with you. So when I pack I try to keep this in mind and take half the amount of my staff back to their place before I close my bags.

Today I checked the map again, so here are the details of our road trip. Rome is around 1200 km away (750 miles) from Budapest. I am going to drive through Slovenia and stop by here and there. That country is beautiful and I never had the chance to stop by, not like I have time now, but a few spots I can visit shortly. After I entered Italy I want to avoid highways for two reasons. One is that I find it pretty expensive, the second is that taking smaller roads on the coast will be more beautiful. Driving next to the see, watching the waves and the sun is what I want. I checked a nice camping on the route close to Venice, where we are going to spend one night with Eskimo. Next day early morning we are going to hit the road again, maybe watch the sunrise on the beach and eat something, then drive to Rome. We will have the whole day to arrive to Monte Sacro, so we can take it slow and easy.

Oh, Rome, here we come! Except us warmly and lovingly!

Eskimo and Julia

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